This might not be as severe as the other health issues, but dry skin is among the most talked about problems today. This very common problem exists in both men and women. Because it’s considered common by some, most people think it’s normal particularly to older individuals.
Not all people know this but dry skin is considered a skin condition due to lack of water entry in the body. This particularly affects the superficial area of the skin which is the epidermis. And while this condition both infuriates men and women, medical experts considered elderly people as twice prone to this problem. That’s because oldies have reduced amount of natural skin oils. Dry skin existing in adults and seniors often affects the arm, hands and lower leg area. The condition may affect the elderly more when he or she is exposed in different temperature. That’s why environmental factors play a big part in dry skin condition.
There are different symptoms that you can relate towards dry skin. Itchiness is the prime factor of it. Itchiness, otherwise known as pruritus, mirrors irritation in the skin that usually transpires at night. It elicits you to scratch which may require specialized medical treatment if itchiness persists. Itches can be localized or generalized. Localized means it is limited in one part of the body. Generalized means the itchiness occur in most areas of the body. Generalized itch is more severe than localized. It may involve blisters, rashes and redness. If there are abnormalities in the skin found caused by itch, this is where you need to seek help from medical experts, like dermatologists.
Before dry skin takes over you, it pays to learn its causes and possible remedies. Just like the rest of health problems existing today, dry skin can be treated fairly if prevented early.
As outlined by experts, there’s no definite cause of dry skin. That’s why medical experts chose to categorize the involved possible factors as external or internal. External factors involve temperature and humidity. Dermatologists prefer to call this as an environmental factor. Frequent changing or exposure on different temperature may affect the skin particularly the external area of it. Contrary, internal factors involve someone’s age, family and medical history. Researchers revealed the correlation of dry skin towards genetics and existing medical conditions, like atopic dermatitis.
Individuals who are susceptible to dry skin may opt for derma care. You can get more information from different proven products that can minimize and address dry skin problem – in forms of soaps and moisturizers. There are also medicinal drugs against dry skin. But of course, this should be prescribed by your physician or trusted dermatologist. Always remember that, similar with other conditions, dry skin remedies is a case-to-case basis. That’s why it’s imperative to consult a healthcare professional first before patronizing certain brands or products.
Dry skin can be a symptom of low water level in the body. It may also be associated by an internal condition, like aging. Regardless, taking care of your health is always the paramount of having long-lasting and excellent well-being.