Potential Risks of Sensitive Teeth


When teeth are neglected, countless oral problems start to transpire including sensitivity on the teeth. Sensitive teeth are among the most popular yet frustrating oral problems these days. Basically, tooth sensitivity takes place due to extreme exposure of hot and cold. There are also circumstances that tooth sensitivity leaks when you breathe using your mouth. In case you are infected by sensitivity, contact local dentists near you.


As outlined by research, sensitive teeth or dentin hypersensitivity is caused by different factors, such as:


Gingival Recession – A periodontal condition named receding gums is among the strongest factors of tooth sensitivity. This is because the gums are exposed and pulled away from the teeth, allowing the roots become prone to sensitivity. When a root is exposed, a soft tissue might be compromised, causing sharp pain. More often than not, gingival recession transpires to adults that ages 40 and above.


Over-brushing – Even though all of us aim to achieve cleaner and healthier teeth, it is not advised to brush your teeth the hard way. Extreme brushing can cause sensitive teeth. This is because hard-bristled toothbrush can expose the tooth root. Since over brushing can war the tooth enamel away, the dentin is exposed.


Broken Teeth – Cracked tooth is caused by eating hard or crunchy foods. These types of foods irritate the nerve pulp when chewing causing the tooth to cracked or get broken. Cracked tooth can also be a cause of sensitive teeth due to bacteria in it. Bacteria can cause inflammation which makes it pretty hard to chew due to pain.


Teeth Grinding – Bad oral habits like teeth grinding (bruxism) causes the enamel to wear out. This leaves the nerves vulnerable that when you chew or bite something, a terrible pain arrives. This is where tooth sensitivity starts to leak.


Dental Plaque build-up – As all of us know, when your enamel is compromised, your teeth become sensitive. This can happen when teeth are bombarded by excessive plaque. Plaques contain bacteria that attack the teeth, causing it to deteriorate.


Acidic Foods – Goodies that contain acids expose the teeth from sensitivity. Basically, most acids come from sugar-content foods and typically arise from foods like tomatoes, fruit juices and citrus. Tooth enamel protects the teeth from sensitivity and when this is exposed to acidic foods, it could result to erosion.


Fortunately, sensitive teeth can be managed. The most basic way to solve this is to practice proper oral hygiene. Regardless of the cause of your sensitivity, desensitizing toothpaste mostly solved the specific problem. If the case is not yet solved, perhaps a fluoride gel and mouth guards might be used. Another way to solve tooth sensitivity is an in-office treatment such as:


Bonding – Dental bonding is a treatment that comes with a composite resin or plastic. This helps restore cracked or damaged tooth. Since chipped, decayed and cracked tooth promotes massive sensitivity, it pays to have it treated the right way. Dental bonding is not like dental veneers because it is made with your own preference. This means that bonding treatment can be personalized for a perfect fit. Dental bonding treatment can be achieved in a single dental visit.


Root Canal – Tooth sensitivity must not be ignored. However, there comes a time where sensitive teeth are not noticed not until the condition is already severe. Untreated sensitive teeth cause sharp pain which makes it difficult to handle. This is where professional dental experts propose root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is a dental approach that is used to treat the infected pulp and is also used the root cause of tooth sensitivity.


Sealants – Sensitive teeth can be caused by receding gums. If gingival recession is the primary cause of sensitivity then your dentist might suggest sealants. Dental sealants are used to cover the exposed roots, impeding tooth sensitivity from arising.


Needless to say, consult with your dentist first for an appointment before considering the mentioned treatments. Always remember that neglecting your issues on sensitivity might cause several oral problems. Hence, make sure you consult your dentist right away to keep your enamel from extreme damages.


Practice the right oral hygiene to avoid sensitive teeth. Brush and floss your teeth gently, appropriately on daily basis. Consider using soft-bristled toothbrushes and fluoride-content toothpaste. This basic step is the most important practice in avoiding and managing sensitive teeth. On top of that, don’t forget to attend regular dental visits for proper checkups.