A lot of shoppers would see the ADA Seal of Acceptance when shopping for toothpastes or mouthwash products without even knowing what it means and what it’s for. You probably don’t have any idea how any product receive this seal of acceptance and why you should always be on the look-out for this the next time you buy your toothpaste.
A whole isle would be dedicated to dental care products and one of the shopper’s dilemmas is to know which ones are the best for them and their family. You can get really confused in choosing the right one and one of the ways to make the best choice is to look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance. The American Dental Association is the oldest dental organization in the world that takes care of anything that has anything to do with dental and oral health. This organization is composed of credible dentists from different states, including dentists in Brooklyn NY, along with researchers that aim to develop and maintain oral health in the country. The ADA developed the Seal of Acceptance to help consumers choose effective products that have been scientifically tested by experts to prove every single product carrying the seal is safe and effective.
Several dental products apply to get the seal of acceptance but not all of them qualify or are eligible. Although products follow the standards that the law requires, getting the seal of acceptance would mean that they have to meet additional requirements or a higher standard. The products that you see displayed on the shelves of your favorite supermarket with the ADA Seal of Acceptance are the ones that have passed the very high standards of the ADA. Products are tested or undergo clinical studies to make sure that they can prove their claims and those they meet the conditions that the organizations require. If the product’s claim does not match the organization’s expectations, it does not get the seal. Once a product meets the standards and qualifies for the seal, the ADA awards the seal for 5 years. The manufacturers who wish to make changes on the products’ content would still have to refer to the ADA to maintain the seal.
The ADA have very strict guidelines for dental and oral care product contents and they are as strict on the packaging as well. The packaging that the products come in are important as it contains the name of the brand, name of the product, ingredients, and other specifications pertaining to the product. The ADA requires the manufacturers to prove every claim that is written on their packaging. The claims written on the packaging has to be true and accurate. This is why the clinical tests are important. Clinical tests verify the claims that products claim. This makes dental care products with the ADA Seal of Acceptance safe, reliable, and of high quality.
Always remember that the seal is not limited to toothpastes, toothbrush, mouthwash, other smile-enhancing products. There are several products like chewing gums, teeth whitening products, and many more that possess the ADA Seal of Acceptance. The next time you buy products for dental hygiene, be sure to look for the seal.