Smoking is one of the common long-term problems in the society. Although it contains benefits to smokers, such as reducing stress, it doesn’t go perfectly well to non-smokers who are exposed to it. But with what’s long been argued about cigar’s existence and its proven fact about its risks, many are still patronizing this nicotine-rich object.
Health experts have proven the connection of cigars to different medical conditions, such as high blood, throat cancer, heart disease and lung cancer.

Health specialists get it though that quitting smoking isn’t an easy doing particularly to heavy smokers. But in times like this, there is no other way but to practice healthy lifestyle. With this, informative statements are given below that might persuade smokers to reduce until they quit this hazardous bad oral habit. Obviously, excessive smoking triggers more than just heavy cough.
Here are some pointers about how smoking can influence your health and how can it overwhelm or contribute to various health illnesses.
- Lung cancer is the most common and risky effect of tobacco chewing and smoking. Cigars contain ingredients, such as nicotine, that can develop and set off uncontrollable growth of cancer cells in the lungs. This explains why majority of smokers experience difficulty of breathing.
- Cardiovascular disorder is sometimes caused by excessive smoking. According to a fantastic read on statistics, one out of every 5 heart-related disease deaths is directly related to smoking.
- Diabetes is a common condition caused by an increase of sugar level. However, cigar’s infamous nicotine is said to be one of the contributors of type 2 diabetes.
- Liver cancer another form of cancer where tumors are found within your liver. While this is usually caused by alcohol drinking, liver cancer is associated with intense smoking.
- Loss of vision is a common eye problem that can be professionally addressed by a professional ophthalmologist alone. It has been revealed that smoking increases the risk of cataracts and glaucoma.
- Stroke happens when blood thickens than usual which can result blood clots. Cigarette smoking is one of the common reasons of blood thickening.
When you quit smoking as early as possible, your body acquires ample amount of time to have a full reset. The damaged cells caused by nicotine will be repaired and the blood flow will eventually normalize. Your sense of taste and smell will get back to normal once again and as a direct smoker, you as a quitter will no longer post a threat to non-smokers.
Although the first few days can be hard as you may experience mild reactions, your physician can guarantee that quitting this terrible bad habit is worth it. Nothing can make this life more worthy to live for but with healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.