Sugar, sweets, candies, these are the things that majority of children loves, especially during Halloween. Why do kids love candies? A candy contains many calories and kids are meant to like sweet taste because the rapid growth means increasing demands of caloric supplies. Even young adults and elderly people have the urge to consume foods, appetizers, and even drinks that has sugar in it. Candies do make us happy, specifically children, even your own flesh and blood, but we must know the complications it could give to your child. Why this content bad and unhealthy for your kid?

We all know how important it is to properly take care of your oral health. Your teeth must be taken care of three times a day, but you won’t maintain the health of your mouth if you keep eating too much sugar such as candies. Candies are made to be hard and really sweet and it tastes so good when it melts inside your mouth. This is the most common reason why kids like them so much and while this is happening, the living things inside, known as bacteria, is probably having a victory party at the very moment. So as much as possible, you must prevent your kids from taking candies almost every day. Professionals in this certain field stated that the bacteria in your mouth is very persistent when it comes to staying in its place and once ignored, your child may develop tooth decay in the process.
Too much intake of sugar during early childhood may also lead to unhealthy cravings as the kid grows older and severe cases like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and even type two diabetes is not impossible to happen.
It is not easy to forbid your children or even refuse to give them any, that is why occasional intake of candy is okay because as parents, you wish for them to correlate good memories but you must provide reasons that they could easily understand as to why they cannot take more three candies a day. Consuming sugar is something that you barely prevent your kids from and no matter how much tantrums they make, you must discipline them. It’s for their own good and you don’t want your kids to grow up with cravings for sugar and with cavities.
Your child should grow up with an idea that candy is a special treat and fruits and vegetables are something good for their health. Parents don’t have to completely eliminate candies or sugar at all, but it should be reduced and in moderate consumption.